Tag Archives: Jardin Alquimia

Charming Loreto, Jardin Alquima Indie Rock, and TSB Village, Jenelle Aubade Music Next Up May 2022

Charming Loreto, Jardin Alquima Indie Rock, and TSB Village, Jenelle Aubade Music Next Up May 2022
Jenelle Aubade, Loreto, BCS at the Festival Antigua California

Hey! Music news.
The Festival Antigua California in Loreto, BCS, Mexico was fantastic. I stayed for four days and gave two live music performances joined by band members Lucas Bennett and Le Onidas. We enjoyed all of the live music in the festival so much. Loreto celebrated 325 years as a beautiful and charming foundation city of Baja with a fabulous music and art festival highlighting original and unique Baja culture and talents.

Loreto BCS with Lucas Bennett and Le Onidas
Jardin Alquimia in Todos Santos Baja Sur hosts Indie Rock Night with Alta Tension, Zoe and the Mischief, and Jenelle Aubade.

Jenelle Aubade in Loreto, Baja Sur California, Mexico

Next up for performances, join me in Todos Santos at Jardin Alquimia with the Indie Rock Night Friday May 27th, and at Todos Santos Brewing with my band Village on Sunday May 29th.


Todos Santos Radio and Baja Babes at Jardin Alquimia


Todos Santos Radio streamed live at this recent event and fundraiser at Jardin Alquimia in Todos Santos recently. The evening was hosted by Elegant Savage who held a raffle for the radio station that raised funds to aid in their production costs. I have noticed the radio presenters hosting local musicians live on the air recently, pretty cool, happy to help keep them broadcasting. Special thanks to all who attended. I will try and post before the next event for local residents so you can join in the fun.

Todos Santos Radio

Jardin Alquimia

Elegant Savage  – MoonBloom Botanics
Baja Babes EO Club

Here is video with snippets of the evening, Baja Babes Essential Oils club was in attendance =)


Music and Glass Art Jardin Alquimia Todos Santos Jenelle Aubade

Music and Glass Art Jardin Alquimia Todos Santos Jenelle Aubade

Enjoy an evening of live music and art at Jardin Alquimia featuring Jenelle Aubade’s music and glass bead and jewelry line. Music accompaniment by guest artist percussionist Ashbolt Stewart. The evening will also feature lampwork beads by esteemed glass artist Daniel Caracas.

Alchemical cocktails, interesting conversation, unique art, and enjoyable music, treat yourself, love to share the evening with you.


Feb 23rd, Friday 6pm


Ambient music Art exhibition JenelleAubade.com

Baja 100 Art Walk Todos Santos FEB 9th and 10th 2018

Baja 100 Art Walk Todos Santos FEB 9th and 10th 2018



The Baja 100 Todos Santos Art Walk is a monthly event organized by a group of Todos Santos artists. Each month we focus on raising money for a different local charity and open the doors to galleries, and shops for special hours. Many of the colorful personalities of the local art scene are present.

This month’s charity is the Palapa Society! 12 artists are donating art work to be raffled off for the event! All donated works will be on display at Jardín Alquimia on Friday, Feb 9th and Saturday, Feb 10, 5-8 PM. The raffle winners will be picked at the After Party, featuring local rock band Zoë & The Mischief.”
