Monthly Archives: July 2015

Todos Santos Photos June July 2015


More photos =-) The weather is sublime, beach days, but low humidity, and lovely crisp cool breezy nights. The town is coming along in it’s make-over, paving is happening. I have been relaxing a little during this off-season, enjoying bead making and even played at the local Chill n Grill open mic last week. I have a few music performances lining up, Dana’s Diner, another La Copa appearance, and Chez Laura when they open again in October.  Here are a few snapshots Dan and I have taken over the last month. Saludos!

ps! Use DuoLingo? Look me up  (great app for learning languages online, free and fun)

OceanA OceanB OceanCCactus Dan LasPalmasPath LasPalmasPath2 Ocean Ocean2 Ocean3 Ocean4Cheddar Chez Chez3 Fete Fete2 food Jammin Jammin2 Jammin3 SunsetChillNGrill Dan Jammin